This week we covered the letter Ii and had our first experiences with Google Classroom for our extreme cold weather days.

Monday: Ice Cold Igloos – Google Classroom Activities

Tuesday: Indoor Ice Skating – Google Classroom Activities

Wednesday: Interesting Insects – Start up: Ii tracing page; Centers/Activities: Insect patterns, Caterpillar craft, Innie the Inchworm Zoophonics; Books – Iggy the Iguana AlphaTales story

Thursday: Ice Cream Social – All kids favorite day this week! Start up: Ice Cream Cone color & cut; Centers/Activities: dot ice cream page with word tracing, funky ice cream cone and end of Evals; Books – Curious George and the Ice Cream Surprise & Curious George Visits an Ice Cream Shop

Looking forward to see parents tomorrow at Parent Teacher Conferences, bring any questions you may have! Have a good weekend!