We covered the letter Pp this week and had fun with our class activities and on Wednesday in Specials!

Monday: Pumpkin Palooza – Start up was a letter Ff review page from last week. Our centers today pumpkin patterns, pumpkin color and cut and Roll a Pumpkin. We also created our zoophonics animal PeeWee the Penguin. The books read were Pig the Winner, If you give a pig a pancake, and our letter Pp Alpha Tale story.

Tuesday: Pretend Pizza Party – The students practiced their names in their QKs for start up. Our activities today were pizza counting, P is for pizza and our Name Pizza Pies. The books were Curious George at the Pizza Parlor and Pete the Cat and the Perfect Pizza Party.

Wednesday: Puzzle Practice – Start up was a letter P item color page/this was finished later in the day. We had specials today in the morning and had lots of fun, ask your child what they did in the 4 classes. The kids also completed their name crayon puzzles. These were sent home for you to practice having your child spell their name at home. Some struggled even with looking at the name cards in the pouches. We also started a spider craft we will work on next week also.

Thursday: Pumpkin Patch Field Trip!

Have a good weekend and next week we will cover the letter Rr!