This week we focused on the letter Ss. We talked about the sound the Ss makes and words that begin with the letter Ss. We came up with sun, space, snow, snowman, snake, six, and seven.

On Tuesday, it was an elearning day. Hopefully, your child got on Google Classroom and did something but if not, that’s fine too. We focused that day on a sports theme.

On Wednesday, we focused on the theme of space. For start-up, we colored a Ss is for school page. For morning centers, we worked on space patterning, practiced cutting with a space themed page, worked on an alien alphabet where we found the missing letters, and rolled a die on a roll-a-planet page and made a tower out of unifix cubes. For afternoon centers, we practiced tracing/writing the letter Ss, did a deep space letter sort, counted stars and wrote the number, and played in a space themed sensory bin. At the end of the day, we started to evaluate for mid-year evaluations. We were asked number recognition 0-20.

On Thursday, we focused on the theme of superheroes. For start-up, we colored a boy/girl superhero page. For morning art, we worked on a S is for Superhero art project. For afternoon centers, we made a “Super City” with dice and snap cubes, made a shape superhero, matched upper-and-lower case ABCs with a superhero theme, and colored a teen number superhero color-by-number. At the end of the day, we were evaluated on our upper- and lower-case ABC recognition.

As always, if you ever have any questions, you can contact me.

Until next week,

Mrs. Brandi