Hi Parents,

We had a great week learning about the letter Aa. Here is a snap shot…

On Tuesday our theme was Apples and we all wore red! In morning centers, the kids rolled a die and used tweezers to count ‘apples’ (red pom poms) on to trees, they practiced using a small dot of glue on an apple, they colored in their shape apple books, and laced the letters of the alphabet. In afternoon centers the kids built with LEGOS, worked on an apple shaped pin poke, and finished the pages from our morning centers. We ended the day with chapel, which we will have once a month. Mrs. Laura and Mrs. Christina taught about creation and how God made everything. Ask your child about it!

On Wednesday we had another day of apples. In morning centers, the kids cut, glued and colored the sequence of an eaten apple, they made shapes on GEO boards with rubber bands, they practiced writing the letter Aa, and they taste tested apples. I posted a few pictures on GroupMe. Out of red, green, and yellow apples, red was the classes favorite! In the afternoon the kids had art and painted with apples. They also worked on puzzles and finished their apple sheets from the morning.

On Thursday our theme was ‘Astronauts.’ In morning centers, the kids filled 10 frames with ‘moon rocks’ (foil balls), they worked on their ‘letter A’ sheet, they practiced writing their names, and they painted the moon and a rocket, which I will put their picture on. In the afternoon we did our first ‘count  the room.’ The kids had a clip board with pictures apples and a 10 frame on them. They had to find the apples around the room, count and see what number it was, and then write that number on their paper. This is always a great activity to keep them moving and also writing! It was definitely a challenge for some and we will do more of these throughout the year. We ended the day outside on the playground before going home.

Next week we are talking about the letter M.

Looking forward to it!
