Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom
This week, we focused on the letter Z, the color brown, & the #3
Books we read:
The Underpants Zoo
Brown Bear, Brown Bear, What Do You See?
Centers this week:
We colored a zipper for our Zz ABC page
We used mini peg boards to form letter Z
We made groups of 3’s
We traced letter Z
We did a letter Z find
We did 1:1 correspondence, using wood blocks and pegs
We sorted bears by color
We traced diagonal lines
We did a #3 play doh mat
We traced rectangles
We practiced writing our names
We did a fun photo shoot
We decorated a spec1al gift for you! (It’s a secret!)
Our Thanksgiving parties are next week! Everyone is welcome to attend, even if you weren’t asked to volunteer. The party will last approximately 45 minutes. You are welcome to take your child with you after the party ends if you wish.
Until Next Week,
Mrs. Kelli