Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom


This week, we focused on the letter X & reviewed our January themes


Books we read:

Penguins to the Rescue

Pete the Car and the Lost Treasure


Centers this week were practicing cutting on both days-once with paper, and once using play-doh.  We practiced writing the letter X, and tracing all the letters we learned this month, as well as writing our names. We did a fun shape matching activity on a treasure map, did a math activity for 1:1 correspondence,  & colored our letter X ABC page. We did a black and white sensory bin/letter find, & we  stamped our fingerprints on a star too!

We had a blast in the big room using binoculars and finding hidden letter X’s! Afterwards, we had  a bit of time to run around the Big Room & played on the scooters!


Until Next Week,

Mrs. Kelli