Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom


This week, we focused on the letters L & H


Books we read:

The Love Monster



Centers this week:

We did lady bug & house fanta boards-matching colors to create a picture of each

We did a 1:1 correspondence activity -stacking pieces to match the # shown on lady bug dots

We colored an ABC page for each letter-a lion & a heart

We formed legos into the shape of letter L

We did lady bug line tracing

We practiced cutting on lines that looked like hair for letter h

We hammered hearts

We decorated our Valentine’s bags using stickers & stamps



We made the most adorable “Love Monsters” to go along with our book

We made colorful hearts using markers on a tray and spraying them with water, then transferring the water colors to paper, which created a really cute effect!



Please check your  Group Me message I sent  regarding next week’s Valentine’s Day parties & instructions/days for when we’ll be exchanging our cards!


Until Next Week,

Mrs. Kelli