Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom
Wow! I just realized we have finished our 6th month of school! The time is really flying by fast! Before you know it, it will be graduation time!
Centers this week were:
Monday & Tuesday:
counting magnets in groups of 6, doing a #6 worksheet, coloring our Hickory Dickory Dock nursery rhyme page, matching our uppercase alphabet,
& tracing shapes.
Wednesday & Thursday:
putting hearts in the shape of letter H, cutting out a heart, coloring a fun hat, doing 1:1 correspondence using clip cards, & putting our fine motor skills to use by playing with a Lite Brite!
During our Art & post-center time this week, we practiced writing our names & we water color painted a hat picture!
We had a few minutes of free play time at the end of the day.
This week, we read the books:
Never Take A Shark to the Dentist (& Other Things Not To Do!)
The Hug Machine
Until Next Week,
Mrs. Kelli