Hi Parents,

We had a fun week learning about the letter Dd. Here is a snap shot…

On Tuesday our theme was ‘Dental/Dentist.’ In morning centers, the kids rolled dice and covered teeth with numbers on them, they rolled a letter and erased that letter on a pretend mouth with a tooth brush, they practiced rhyming, and they cut and glued things that are good and bad for your teeth. In afternoon centers, the kids ‘flossed’ play dough on mega blocks, they matched upper and lowercase letters on a tooth, they counted teeth (beads) on to mouths with numbers on them, and they played the alligator tooth game. I posted pictures of this on GroupMe. We ended the day with a heart scavenger hunt that we weren’t able to do on heart day.

On Wednesday the theme was ‘Dinosaurs.’ In the morning, the kids rotated through specials learning sign language and science. In afternoon centers the kids cut and glued their D page, they played with dinosaurs in kinetic sand, and they made dinosaurs with pattern blocks. For art, the kids were given shapes and they had to made a dinosaur with the shapes. These turned out really cute and will be hanging in our hallway. We ended the day by putting dinosaur eggs in water so they would ‘hatch’ over night.

On Thursday our theme was ‘Dinosaurs’ again. In morning centers, the kids measured dinosaurs with unifix cubes, they cut and glued the tails on to dinosaurs, they played with dinosaurs and eggs in rice bins, and they worked on a creative writing page, ‘If I had a pet dinosaur…’ In afternoon centers, the kids colored and cut a dinosaur puzzle, they colored dino counting books, they wrote a letter to upcoming ABC students, and they had a dino dig! They scooped beans and looked for different dinosaur pictures to mark off of their list. We ended the day with dinosaur toys and a dinosaur game. Ask your kids about the dino game!

Next week is already March! We will be learning about the letter Ee first. Looking forward to it!

Take Care,
