Hi Parents,

We had a lot of fun learning about the letter Q this week! Here is a snapshot…

On Tuesday our theme was ‘Queen.’ In morning centers, the kids drew a card and then filled in a 10 frame with jewels, they cut and glued jewels on to a crown, and they cut out the word q-u-e-e-n and glued it above a crown. In afternoon centers, the kids made letters with pop-its, they counted plastic squares on to pegs, and they made a queen out of the letter Q. We ended the day by doing a ‘Hey Riddle Riddle’ with the letter Q. The kids are getting really good at rhyming!

On Wednesday our theme was ‘Quarters.’ In morning centers, the kids made patterns with coins, they rubbed a crayon over a quarter to make the print on their letter Q, and they colored and wrote on a sheet about quarters. In the afternoon the kids rotated through specials learning Spanish, sign language, math/science, and zoo phonics. We ended our day with chapel. The kids heard the story of David and Goliath. Ask them all about it!

On Thursday our theme was ‘Quilts.’ In morning centers, the kids added with duplo blocks, they colored and cut apart a letter Q puzzle, and they weaved their own quilt with paper. In afternoon centers, the kids played with magnetic shapes, they counted and put together matching number/object cards, and they worked on their monthly name writing and drawing page. We ended our day with art. The kids made quilt squares with paper, and I put them all together into a quilt and hung it in our classroom. It turned out really cool! (I posed pictures on Group Me)

Next week is our last letter, K, and then we will start reviewing all of the letters!

Take Care,
