Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom


We had a great week learning about the letter D & the #6


Devotions this week:

Psalm 46:51

Psalm 48:14

Psalm 50:15

Psalm 55:17


Books we read:

If You Give A Dog A Donut

Duck, Duck Dinosaur!


Centers this week:

We colored a dog for our D ABC page

We did dog patterning

We practiced our cutting, using play doh!

We had our own “duck pond”, pulling rubber ducks out of the water that had numbers on them that we identified

We played with dinosaurs

We used our fine motor skills to put 6 stickers on the #6

We did 1:1 correspondence using counter cards

We did a #6 maze

We practiced tracing/writing our names

We used unifix cubes to make groups of 6



We did an adorable dog art project using paint & glue! 

We did #6 dot art

We had lots of fun sharing pictures & stories about our dogs.  Thank you to everyone who sent in photos! 


We had chapel time this week. We learned about “Jesus Feeds 5,000”.  All the kids loved the story & visual aides, & loved getting a goldfish & piece of bread to eat!


Until Next Week,


Mrs. Kelli