Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom


This week, we focused on the letter Bb & celebrated Earth Day!


Books we read:

Pete the Cat & His Four Groovy Buttons



We colored the letter B blue for our Bb ABC page

We put buttons on letter Bb

We colored coffee filters with markers & sprayed them with water. Once they were dry, we turned them into butterflies!

We used our Fanta boards, matching colors to create a butterfly mosaic



We used our handprints to make some gifts for mom & dad


**On Wednesday & Thursday, we celebrated Earth Day! We watched a cute video about garbage trucks & recycling & learned about the recycle symbol. We went outside to see how nice the Earth looks when it’s clean & then saw how it would look if it was littered with trash.  The kids kicked the trash (for letter K) to clean up the yard again.  It was super fun for them!

We also have been watching our caterpillars grow & grow! As of Wednesday & Thursday, they had climbed to the top of the container, formed their letter J’s, & spun into their chrysalis’.  Before you know it, we’ll have our butterflies! 


Reminder–next Monday & Tuesday, we are celebrating our moms & dads for our King & Queen Day! This is a very special & fun event. Please check your child’s folder for the specifics! Can’t wait to see you there!


Until Next Week,


Mrs. Kelli