Hi Parents,

We had a fun week with the letter Y. Here is a snapshot…

On Tuesday we celebrated Easter all day. In morning centers, the kids counted erasers into egg cartons with numbers on the bottom, they colored, cut, and glued eggs into a basket, and they matched upper- and lower-case letters on eggs and then wrote the letter. In the afternoon we played different games with eggs. The kids looked for eggs under cups, they did an egg on a spoon race, and they put together silly face eggs. We ended the day with toys! As I mentioned on Group Me, the kids ended up finding 7 different eggs throughout the day. They found 1 with their first name, 1 with their last name, 1 with their number, and 1 with the first letter of their first name. The rest were from the games. I like to make the egg hunts a little more of a challenge for them. I hope the kids had fun!

On Wednesday our theme was ‘Yarn art.’ In morning centers, the kids weaved yarn on a plate from number to number in order, they cut out a yellow Y and hole punched it, and they made a yarn flower. In the afternoon, the kids rotated through specials learning Spanish, sign language, math/science, and zoo phonics. We ended the day with a ‘Hey Riddle Riddle’ activity for the letter G. The kids are getting so much better at rhyming!

On Thursday my daughter was sick, so I was home with her, but the class was in good hands with Mrs. Laura. Our theme was ‘Yellow.’ In morning centers, the kids completed a spring themed color by letter, they weaved yellow pipe cleaners through cookie cooling racks, and they cut and glued the word ‘yellow’ above a flower and then finished drawing the flower. In the afternoon they worked on the ‘Y is for Yellow YoYo’ project and they ended the day with toys!

Next week we will talk about the letter B. Looking forward to it!

Take Care,
