Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom


This week, we had our King & Queen Days on Monday & Tuesday. We hope everyone enjoyed spending some special time together!

As we wind down the year, we are finishing up with our evaluating as we continue to touch on themes to review.  This week, (Wednesday & Thursday) we focused on shapes.  We used rubber band boards, mini peg boards, & play doh stampers to make shapes. In addition, we traced shapes, & played our favorite, Candy Land shape matching game. The game is also great for teaching them sharing & how to wait their turn. They did great!

We did our farm “following directions” activity as well.  This was a project we also did in October.  This activity is done to evaluate a child’s color recognition skills, as well as their ability to follow a given direction. You will receive both in your child’s folder at graduation & can compare their progress.

In other news: our caterpillars are in their chrysalis’! We have loved watching them grow & are anxiously anticipating when they’ll become butterflies!


Until Next Week,


Mrs. Kelli