Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom


This week, we focused on triangles & the letter Jj. We also spent lots of time practicing for our Christmas play!


Books we read:

Pete the Cat Saves Christmas



We colored our “Little Jack Horner”  nursery rhyme page

We made triangles on our rubber band boards

We traced shapes

We sorted triangles

We did patterning with Christmas lights

We wrote our names

We did our Jj ABC page



We worked on more special things for you. Next week, you’ll see all the great things we’ve been working on for so long!



**Remember to check your December calendar/notes home regarding the Christmas plays. Your child WILL arrive at their regular drop off time & you may take them home with you once the play is over.  They will also take  their Christmas gift bags for you with them that day! We are very excited to spend this very special time with you! They have been practicing very hard & are too cute for words!**


Until Next Week,

 Mrs. Kelli