Hi Parents,

We had a great week learning about the letter Hh. Here is a snapshot…

On Tuesday our theme was ‘Hearts.’ In morning centers the kids graphed and sorted froot loop hearts, they cut and glued matching hearts, they cut out a heart and then hole punched it, and they made necklaces with heart noodles and beads. In afternoon centers, the kids finished the snowmen that they started a few weeks ago (these came home on Thursday), they cut out hearts, they laced hearts, and they found heart erasers in rice bins. We ended our day with chapel. The kids had the chance to sing several ‘old school’ worship songs. Ask them about it!

On Wednesday our theme was ‘crazy Hair and Hat day.’ In the morning the kids had specials learning Spanish and zoo phonics. (Next week they will go to science and sign language for specials). In afternoon centers, the kids counted buttons on to pipe cleaner ‘hair,’ they cut hair sheets, they used play doh and scissors, and they traced shapes with dry erase markers. For art the kids decorated a winter hat using markers, colored pencils, stamps and dot markers. They then cut the hat out and glued cotton at the top for the ball. These turned out cute and will be hanging on our walls. We ended the day by reading 2 of my favorite books, ‘Caps for sale’ and ‘More caps for sale.’ Ask your kids about those pesky little monkeys!

On Thursday our theme was ‘Home sweet Home.’ We spent the day talking about the towns we are from and the streets we live on. In morning centers, the kids cut and glued words that start with H on to a house, they worked on their H page, and they cut and glued pieces of a house on construction paper. In afternoon centers, the kids painted a house with watercolors, they wrote their address and phone number, and they used droppers and colored water to mix colors on paper towel shapes. We ended the day by playing with toys.

Next week is our last week of February already! We are learning about the letter Dd. Looking forward to it!

Take Care,
