Hi Parents,

We had a fun first week of February! We talked about the letter Ll, here is a snapshot…

On Tuesday our theme was, ‘Love bugs.’ In morning centers, the kids counted and colored hearts on a love bug, they made a love bug with their names (these are hanging in the big room), and they worked on a color by shape page. They also matched upper and lowercase letters. In afternoon centers, the kids cut and glued another love bug, they wrote their name for their monthly page, they played with kinetic sand and cookie cutters, and they drew on a drawing mat. We ended the day by finishing the love bugs and playing with toys.

On Wednesday the theme was, ‘Love letters.’ In the morning the kids rotated through specials learning sign language and science. Like last week, they went to 2 specials (instead of 4) for a half hour. In the afternoon we rotated through centers, which included our art for the week. The kids wrote love letters to you, they cut and glued their L page, they played with magnets, and they painted part of an egg carton, which will become a snowman. We ended the day by playing with Mrs. Leslie’s class in the big room.

On Thursday our theme was, ‘Last names.’ In morning centers the kids built numbers with snap cubes, they said, ‘built’ (with letters), and spelled their last names, they practiced writing their last names, and they cut and glued the heart/l-o-v-e page that came home. In afternoon centers, the kids decorated their snowman by drawing a face, gluing on buttons, and tying a scarf around its neck. They also created a jersey with their last names on it. This was something we were going to do on sports day but it was an ELearning day so I saved it for ‘last names.’ The kids also sorted little ‘I spy’ pieces with tweezers and painted a snowflake with ice cubes. We ended the day by finishing our last name work and playing with toys.

Next week our party is on Tuesday at 1:15. We will spend the week with the Valentine’s Day theme and learn about the letter Vv. Looking forward to it!

Take Care,