Tuesday was our Valentine party! We started the day playing with toys with friends. In centers, we learned about the letter V. We wrote upper and lowercase V, did our V cutting page, did some candy heart graphing, and laced yarn on heart plates. For art class, we made a vase with a V and flowers. Then we had our Valentine party. We had so much fun making a snack, making a necklace, making our Valentine bags, and playing games. Thanks so much to the volunteers that came to help out at the party!
Wednesday we continued learning about the letter V. We started the day writing our first and last names. In morning centers, we did our V letter review page, put heart alphabet cards in order, found veggies with our ISPY vegetables game, and did our push pin hearts page. In afternoon centers, we did an I Love You to Pieces art project, colored a vegetable page, made V’s on geo boards, and played with veggie magnets. We passed out our Valentines at the end of the day to all our friends!
Thursday we started the day coloring a Valentine coloring page. In morning centers, we found all the V’s, counted Valentine ten frames, did our color cut glue page, and played with pattern blocks. In afternoon centers, we made our Valentine hand print, traced numbers, wrote about our favorite thing at ABC, and did our February writing sample. At the end of the day, we did a Valentine count the room.
See you next week for our H week, happy hearts, crazy hair and hats, and home sweet home.