This week we learned about the letter D. Tuesday was Dentist day. We started the day reading books with friends. During circle time, we talked about what is good and bad for your teeth. In centers, we practiced writing upper and lowercase D, did a healthy teeth sort, played a roll and cover teeth game, and did a brushing up cut and glue page. For art, we painted with paint, glitter, and toothpaste to make a clean tooth. We also colored a tooth and wrote ABC and 123. We erased them with toothbrushes. At the end of the day, we played an alligator teeth game.

Wednesday was pink and purple day and our first dinosaur day. We started the day coloring dinosaurs. In Specials, we learned sign language and science. In centers, we did a pet dino writing page, fed a dino letter matches, measured dinos with rulers, and did our D cutting page. At the end of the day, we drew our dino eggs and put them into water to hatch them.

Thursday was our second dinosaur day. To start the day, we played toys with friends. In morning centers, we did our D letter review page, made matches with pictures and letters in dino eggs, started our dino counting books, and played a spin and cover Dd game. In afternoon centers, we made dino hats, found D’s, matched dino ten frames, and finished our dino counting books. At the end of the day, we checked on our dino eggs and hatched them. They loved finding out what color dino they got!

See you next week for E week, Dr. Seuss, elephants, and Humpty Dumpty egg day.