Tuesday was L is for Love bug day. We started the day coloring a Love bug coloring sheet. In centers, we practiced writing upper and lowercase L, did a love bug sequencing page, a love bug dot page, lacing cards, and a cutting love bug path page. For art, we made a heart love bug craft. At the end of the day, we had story time and did more love bug sequencing.
Wednesday was writing love letters day. We started the day reading books with friends. We had Specials and learned our sign language alphabet and saw a science volcano erupt! In centers, we wrote love letters, delivered alphabet letters, drew ladybug spots, and did our L cutting page. At the end of the day, we did some makeup work and played with our friends.
Thursday was last name day. We started the day writing our first and last names. In morning centers, we wrote our last names and also made them with play doh, did our L letter review page, did a love bug coloring sheet, and played love bug tic tac toe. In afternoon centers, we made a things I love book, found L’s, did a roll n’ write, and finished our groundhog sheets. At the end of the day, we had story time and did some makeup work from the week.
See you next week for V week and our Valentine party!