Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom


This week, we focused on the letters D & H


Books we read:

Don’t Push the Button!

The Hug Machine


Centers this week:

We colored a dog for our D ABC page

We played with kinetic sand

We did patterns, using dogs

We used crayons shaped like dolphins to color lrtter D

We did 1:1 correspondence using dinosaurs, recognizing  #’s 1-6 & putting that many dinosaurs on each number

We did a fun play doh center for letter H, using a hair cut playdoh set, and cutting the “hair”

We built houses with blocks

We colored a heart for our H ABC page

We did 1:1 correspondence using unifix cubes, stacking blocks to match each number

We did a fun activity, using wooden hammers to pound holes into the heart shape



For letter D, we stamped dinosaur footprints

For letter H, we cut out a heart, and glued it to paper


Remember, February 13 & 14th are our Valentine’s Parties.  Details are on your calendar. Please send your child to school at their usual time on these days  🙂 


Until Next Week,

Mrs. Kelli