Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom


This week, we focused on The letters I & S


Books we read:

I Is For Ice Cream

There Was A Cold Lady Who Swallowed Some Snow



We did our I & S ABC pages

We practiced cutting circles

We played with pretend snow for a fun sensory activity

We put stars on S

We put sand on S

We practiced writing our names

We did ice cream upper/lowercase matching

We played a fun ice cream scoop game to practice our fine motor skills

We did 1:1 correspondence using stickers-putting “scoops” on ice cream to match  the number on the cone.



We took the circles we cut out during centers, glued them to paper, along with rays to make sun shines!

Monday & Tuesday, we had a great time eating ice cream sundaes

We had chapel time this week. We learned about Joshua & the walls of Jericho.

Progress reports came home this week, so be sure to check your child’s folder  🙂

We wrapped up our week with our “What’s for dinner?” night at La Quesadilla. We had a fantastic turnout! We really enjoy these nights to see our families outside of our building.  🙂 We are raising funds to add a memorial bench/outdoor area near our playground as a tribute to our Mrs.  Jenn, so your support is going towards a wonderful cause. We appreciate you!


Until Next Week, 

Mrs. Kelli