Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom


This week we focused on the colors, black & white, and reviewed our January themes!


Books we read:

Ten Little Penguins Sliding on the Ice

Polar Bear, Polar Bear, What Do You Hear?



We did lowercase ABC matching

We did muffin tin math, using black & white gems

We did black & white stamping using paint

We used the Light Bright, using only white pegs to see black & white (huge hit!)

We used a black & white sensory bin to find the star shape & our names

We traced letter s using rainbow colors

We put playdoh or blocks on letter Xx

We did a fun water activity-fishing out letter W’s

We did our number peg boards

We did some evaluating of identification skills



We did our monthly name samples

We did indoor ice skating–it was super fun!



Some helpful hints to work on at home:

Please teach your child to try to put their coat on independently. I realize it’s hard to zip, but just start with allowing them to practice putting their coat on by themselves 🙂

Continue to practice writing & cutting

Now that we’re more than halfway through the school year, our expectations of classroom behavior have been kicked up a notch.  We always give a lot of grace, but by now we do expect more in terms of remembering rules, listening, etc. We use the stop light system  & treasure box as learning tools & rewards. As I said, we have, & will continue to give many chances before we take away  their treasure box, but the chances are going to be fewer, which many result in some tears. We are doing all we can to best prepare them to be ready for Pre-K, and proper classroom behavior is a big part of that. If someone has a ‘not so great’ day, we always make sure they know each new day, they start fresh. 🙂


Until Next Week,


Mrs. Kelli