Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom


Welcome back!  I was so happy to see all of our littles after what seemed to be a long winter break!  Everyone seemed happy to be in the classroom again & did great transitioning back into the routine 🙂


This week, we focused on the letter Ss & the colors black & white



“Warm Hearts”-Deuteronomy 6:6

“A Letter From God”-Deuteronomy 11:18


Books we read:

The Silly Monster


Centers this week:

*Monday & Tuesday, lesson plans were posted to Google Classroom, focusing mainly on letter S, along with some songs, etc.*

We played with pretend snow in sensory bins

We colored a snowman for our Ss ABC page

We used mini sensory bowls filled with white rice & picked out black items

We put straws and black & white string on letter S

We did 1:1 correspondence matching magnets to numbers



We painted with white paint on black paper, and black paint on white paper



We got a good start on evaluations. Some areas covered were alphabet, shape, & coloring recognition. We will be wrapping those up on Monday & Tuesday , and mid- year progress reports should go home at the end of next week! 


Until Next Week,

Mrs, Kelli