This week we focused on the letter Uu. We talked about the sound the letter Uu makes and words that begin with the letter Uu. We came up with up, unicorn, underwater, and umbrella.

On Tuesday, we focused on the theme of underwater. For morning centers, we matched numbers with the corresponding fishbowl, did ocean themed pattern blocks, matched beginning sounds with seashell theme, and did an underwater drawing on a plastic sleeve. For afternoon centers, we finished our underwater sleeve drawing, played an Ocean I-spay game, put together an ocean themed puzzle, and colored a color-by-shape fish page. At the end of the day, we played a “Fishy Bubbles” game. We also read books about the ocean and underwater. 

On Wednesday, we focused on the theme of A Great Day for Up book. For morning centers, we matched our teen numbers with the number of bubbles on the card, did our Uu says /u/ page, traced/wrote the letter Uu, and practiced writing our letters on LED tablets. In the afternoon, we had specials with all four all-day teachers. At the end of the day, we colored our “flashlights” for our underwater sleeve drawing. We read books on the letter Uu.

On Thursday, we focused on the theme of umbrellas & unicorns. For morning art, we did a Uu is for Unicorn project. For afternoon centers, we practiced ten frames with a unicorn theme, colored a color-by-number umbrella page, matched beginning sounds with an umbrella theme, and played an unicorn emotion game. At the end of the day, we went to the foyer and did an ocean count the room. We read books on unicorns and umbrellas.

Until next time, 

Mrs. Brandi