This week we focused on the letter Ee and Dr. Seuss. We talked about the sound the letter Ee makes and words that begin with the letter Ee. We came up with elephant, egg, Easter, and eagle.

On Tuesday, we had a Dr. Seuss day. We read numerous books that Dr. Seuss wrote. For morning centers, we played a Dr. Seuss I-spy game, did a Cat In the Hat rhyming cut and paste page, matched our ABCs with a Dr. Seuss theme, and graphed with Goldfish. For afternoon centers, we matched beginning sounds with a Green Eggs and Ham theme, did a Green Eggs and Ham creative writing, traced/wrote our letter Ee, and built with Building Sticks. At the end of the day, we ate green eggs and ham. Most of us liked it but some of us did not!!!!

On Wednesday, we focused on the theme of elephants. For morning centers, we colored a color-by-number elephant page, did the Ee says /e/ page, “fed the elephant” ABCs, and put magnets on an elephant page. In the afternoon, we had specials with all four all-day teachers. At the end of the day, we got to play with Mrs. Leslie’s class. We also read books about elephants.

On Thursday, we focused on the theme of Humpty Dumpty. For morning art, we did a handprint Thing One and Thing Two. For afternoon centers, we made numbers with pop-its, did a Humpty Dumpty sequencing page, did a Humpty Dumpty cut and paste project, and did a dot-to-dot Humpty Dumpty page in a quick kit. At the end of the day, we got to predict and then record the result with an egg drop experiment. We had so much fun!!!!

Until next week, 

Mrs. Brandi