Hi Parents, I can’t believe it’s March! We had a fun week learning about the letter Ee. Here is a snap shot…
On Tuesday our theme was ‘Happy Birthday Dr. Seuss.’ We spent the entire day reading Dr. Seuss books and doing Dr. Seuss themed activities. In morning centers, the kids counted the Dr. Seuss characters and clipped the correct number with a clothes pin, they put together Dr. Seuss puzzles, they cut and glued the Cat and the Hat’s hat stripes, and they made a ‘wocket in a pocket’ just like the book. In afternoon centers, the kids stacked red cups and white paper to make the Cat in the Hat’s hat, they used dot markers on the character from ‘Put Me In The Zoo,’ and they worked on a creative writing page with the first letter of their name. They thought of things that start with that letter and drew them and wrote what it was on their page. We ended the day with an activity called ‘real or silly.’ We looked at the things from the book, ‘There’s a Wocket in my Pocket,’ and decided if the item was real or silly and put the item in a pocket that said the word. The kids also had a chance to look at books.
On Wednesday our theme was ‘Elephant.’ In the morning the kids rotated through specials learning Spanish and zoo phonics this week. Next week they will learn science and sign language. In afternoon centers, the kids cut and glued their E page, they practiced writing the letter E, they used magnets on E, and they had the chance to find an elephant in an egg. They had to say the letter or number on the egg before they could look and see if an elephant was inside. We ended the day with toys.
On Thursday our theme was, ‘Humpty Dumpty,’ who the kids realized is an egg! In morning centers, the kids counted and built a wall with cups to put humpty dumpty on top of, they cut and glued humpty dumpty in sequence, they put together beginning sound eggs, and they cut and glued a cracked egg back together. In afternoon centers, they added arms and legs and a face to the egg they cut and glued in the morning, and made it humpty dumpty. They also traced a pattern on an egg and cut it out, they wrote their name and colored, and they played with magnet blocks and people. We ended the day with an ‘egg-speriment’ with the other all day classes. We did an egg drop. The kids had the chance to predict if the egg would break based on what was in the bag with it i.e. paper towel, cotton balls, foil, etc.. What a fun activity, I hope your child told you all about it!
Next week we will talk about the letter Uu. Looking forward to it!
Take Care,