Hi Parents,

We had a fun week learning about the letter T. Here’s a snapshot…

On Tuesday our theme was Turkeys. In morning centers, the kids drew a number card and counted feathers on to a ‘turkey’ (a colander), they cut and glued clothes on to a turkey to disguise it (I love this project!), and they counted turkey feathers and clipped the correct number. In afternoon centers, the kids ‘fed a turkey’ pom poms using tweezers, they used circle magnets on a turkey, and they finished a turkey color by number. We ended the day by playing a game called ‘turkey in the hay.’ I hid a small picture of a turkey behind a haystack that had a shape on it and the kids had to say the shape and color in order to guess which hay stack the turkey was behind.

On Wednesday our theme was Triangles and Transportation. In morning centers, the kids counted dots in ‘parking spots’ and had to find the car with the correct number on it to park in the spot. They played a red light, green light board game and they also worked on a page about triangles. In the afternoon the kids rotated through specials learning Spanish, sign language, math/science, and zoo phonics. The last few minutes of the day we raced cars down orange racetracks. It was a fun way to end our transportation day!

On Thursday our theme was What are you Thankful for? In morning centers, the kids counted whip cream on pie slices and placed them on the correct number on the pie, they cut and glued the letter T on a turkey, and they traced and put beads around turkey shapes. In afternoon centers, the kids built with LEGO’s, put together big letter puzzles, and they finished their placemat that they had started in morning centers. They also worked on their T page. We ended the day with art. The kids colored and dot painted a turkey! It was not my original plan for art, but we made it all work. Those will come home next week!

Our only day next week is Tuesday and that is the day of our party at 12:15. Looking forward to it!

Take Care,
