Welcome to Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom!


This week, we focused on the number 3, the color, brown, & the rectangle shape. We also started talking a lot more about Christmas!


Books we read:

Brown at the Zoo

This Is The Stable


Centers this week:

We did a #3 worksheet

We sorted different objects in sets of 3

We practiced cutting

We did a #3 find on quick kits

We did color sorting

We did winter matching & patterning

We played with play doh

We did rectangle & square sorting

We did a mosaic using fanta  boards

We played with Legos



We did our monthly name samples & coloring

We worked on a special Christmas project



Since sending home our “quick kit” name activity, I’ve noticed a lot of improvement in many of the kids writing!  Please continue to keep using them. The more they practice, the better!



Until Next Week,


Mrs. Kelli