Hi Parents,

We had a great week with the letter Rr. Here is a snapshot…

On Tuesday our theme was Rectangles and Robots. In morning centers, the kids measured robots with unifix cubes, they traced, colored and cut rectangles, and they matched robot rhyming cards. In afternoon centers, the kids put beads on upper and lowercase R’s, they colored pictures that start with the letter R, and they cut and glued their own robots! Those are hanging in the hallway and will come home when we are done with them. We ended the day by cutting and gluing rectangles and squares and finishing our robots.

On Wednesday our theme was Rockets. We weren’t sure if it was going to rain, so we started our day by going outside to use the stomp rockets I brought. The kids had so much fun with these! Then, in morning centers, the kids colored a rocket by number, they made their name into a rocket, and used kinetic sand with space figures and ‘planets’ (bouncy balls and foam balls). In the afternoon the kids rotated through specials learning Spanish, sign language, zoo phonics and math/science. We ended the day by doing our monthly name writing page.

On Thursday our theme was Rainbows. During our usual morning center time the Lake Hills Fire Department was at school. They showed all of their equipment, talked about stop drop and roll and also talked about a meeting spot outside for the family if there is a fire. The kids then had the chance to look at their fire truck and ambulance! This was really fun for the kids. In the afternoon we rotated through centers. The kids rolled a dice and covered numbers on a rainbow, they glued rainbow strips to a cloud and wrote their name, and they made rainbow patterns with popsicle sticks. We ended the day with art. The kids drew a rainbow with oil pastels and then painted the whole page with watercolors. When they were finished, they sprinkled salt on the whole picture to make it look like rain. (The salt will be brushed off when it dries, and it will leave spots in the paint. It adds some texture!)

Next week we will talk about the letter O. Don’t forget that Wednesday is our field trip to Kregels Pumpkin Patch. Looking forward to it!

Take Care,
