This week we focused on the letter Ff. We talked about the sound the letter Ff makes and words that start with Ff. We came up with frog, farm, fox, four, five and flower.

On Tuesday, we focused on the theme of frogs. We started with coloring a Ff is for frog coloring page. We read the book Let’s Go, Froggy!!! For morning centers, we made our numbers out of play doh on frog themed playdoh mats, cut and pasted the Ff says/f/ page, matched upper- and lower-case ABCs with a frog theme, and fed a frog “bugs” with tweezers and rolling a die. For afternoon centers, we made our ABCs in salt trays, matched ABCs with magnets, traced/wrote the letter Ff and laced beads. Also, in the afternoon, we drew a frog with a directed drawing activity.

On Wednesday, we focused on a farm theme. We started by practicing tracing/writing our names. We read the book No, Sleep Sheep! For morning centers, we placed corn kernels on a corn themed number cards, cut and pasted an Itsy, Bitsy Spider sequencing page, wrote our ABCs on writing tablets, and made fences with popsicles sticks and farm fence cards. In the afternoon, we started specials. This is where we get to spend fifteen minutes with each full day teacher learning different things. Things like math and science, Spanish, sign language and literacy. We also colored our farm following directions page.

On Thursday, we continued with our farm theme. We started our day by coloring a scarecrow coloring page. We read the book Cindy Moo. For art, we painted our hands for a cow to put up on our farm wall. For centers in the afternoon, we matched upper and lowers ABCs, finished our Itsy, Bitsy Spider sequencing page, played a farm themed I-spy game, and q-tip painted a pig picture. We also got to go into the big room with Mrs. Leslie’s class and do a farm animal write the room.

If you ever have any questions or concerns, please do not hesitate to contact me.

Until next week, 

Mrs. Brandi