Hi Parents,

We had a great week learning about the letter Ff. Here’s a snap shot…

On Tuesday our theme was ‘Farm.’ In morning centers, the kids finished making a worm with a number on it, with kinetic sand, they picked letters and traced them, they separated farm animals from zoo animals in rice bins, and they did a creative writing saying what animal was in their barn. They then drew and colored the animal. In the afternoon we had the chance to hear from 2 St. John firefighters who talked to the kids about fire safety. The kids also had the chance to see and sit in the fire truck. The kids loved it, I hope they told you all about it! We ended the day with some farm animal riddles. The kids were given 3 clues and 3 animals to choose from to guess which was being described. It was a great way to end our day.

On Wednesday our theme was farm again. The kids spent the morning rotating through specials learning Spanish, sign language, science/math, and zoo phonics. After lunch we did Q-tip painting for art. The kids painted a pig and a chick. I also painted their feet for their footprint, which I made into a cat. Each class does a different farm animal, which will hang on the big room wall together.

On Thursday our theme was ‘Frog.’ In morning centers the kids jumped little jumpy frogs on to lily pads with numbers and then had to say the number. They also cut and glued their F page, played with bugs (plastic) in kinetic sand, and cut out a lily pad and stamped their name on it. In afternoon centers, while half the class was building with LEGO and ‘feeding a frog flies,’ I helped the rest of the class draw a frog eating a fly. Then, we cut and glued them on to our lily pad from earlier. They were so proud of these, I posted pictures on GroupMe. We ended our day by cutting out flowers that we had watercolor painted earlier and gluing them on the lily pads. These turned out great and will come home at the end of the year.

Next week we are talking about the letter P and it’s also our field trip to the pumpkin patch. Looking forward to it!

Take Care,
