Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom


This week, we focused on the color RED, fine motor activities, sorting, and reviewing


Daily Devotions:

“You’ve Got Power”- 1 Cor 1:7

“Surprise Party”- 1 Cor 2:9

“Celebrate Today!”- 1 Cor 3:22

“The Way Out”- 1 Cor 10:13


Books we read:


A Stack of Alpacas



We colored our “Roses are Red” nursery rhyme page

We did a worksheet, finding letters in our name on apples & coloring them

We sorted linking chains by color, and put together the red pieces

We tore red paper

We doodled on our E boards

We did shape puzzles

We practiced our fine motor by using mini  peg boards

We did fanta boards, making pictures and sorting colors

We did our “Splash of Color Magnets”- sorting objects & matching objects to paint cans

We did alphabet magnet matching 



We did play-doh, play-doh toys, building blocks & magna tiles

We had our first Chapel time of the year-We went into the church & learned about Creation!


Yay! We made it through our first month of school! It’s been fun getting to know these new little ones!


Until Next Week,


Mrs. Kelli