Welcome to Mrs. Kelli’s Preschool Classroom!


We had a great first week together!  For the first few weeks of school, we are introducing the kids to the routine of school, rules, how to transition from activity to activity, etc.  We still jumped right in with doing everything & all the kids did great–lots of smiles, & very few tears!  We introduced “circle time”, sang songs, did our devotions, & read a funny book called, “David Goes to School”.


*On Tuesday & Wednesday, we did “hands-on” centers such as shape peg boards, e-writing boards, stringing beads, shape puzzles, & magnet tiles. We also colored a picture for the first day of school.

*On Thursday & Friday, we focused on the circle & oval shapes.  Our centers were: covering & counting circle disks to the corresponding number, using buttons to make circle shapes, using paint daubers to make circles within an oval, using circle & oval shapes with play-doh, & drawing circles & ovals on the white board.

*Art projects this week were  first day handprints & circle & oval matching/ gluing.

*When weather permitted. we went outside. We also had fun playing with our new friends in the classroom. Of course, everyone’s favorite thing of all was picking from the treasure box!

*The Group Me App should be ready to go soon. When it is, up, I will explain our Stop Light System , which is a learning tool we use in the classroom. In the meantime, all of my contact information should be in the Welcome Letter you received last week. If you need to contact me for any reason before the Group Me App is up & running, please don’t hesitate!


Looking forward to a great year!

Mrs. Kelli