October 23 to 26


The Fall Party was a lot of fun for the children.  They decorated cookies, played games and went trick-or-treating.  Please look at the Group Me App to see the class picture.  The costumes were wonderful!


The letter “O” was introduced as well as fun facts on Owls.  The children created an owl which I am saving but I must say the cutting skills in this class are over the top!  Opposites were also introduced.  Games and songs on opposites were used all week to teach the children about opposites.


The children were introduced to another night flyer – BATS.  Look inside your child’s bag for the bat they made and ask them about the story we read in class Stellaluna.


Thursday was catch up day.  The children finished making their owls and bats.  We had a good time showing off our opposite outfits and comparing same and different. They practiced writing the number 7 and we reviewed our letters.  Please continue to work on letters at home.


Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Elaine


Looking ahead:  Movie day on Monday – wear PJ’s or comfy sweats