Hello! I hope you all Has a great week! We had fun with the Letter X and doing a January review.
On Monday/Tuesday we worked on the Letter X. We used homemade binoculars to try and spot the letter x throughout the big room. We also played red light, green light which was new for some kids. They all really enjoyed it. We read A was An Apple Pie and had to find the Letter X in the book.
In our centers we colored our X ABC page, practiced cutting, traced the letter X on the white board, made the letter X with play doh, and did a treasure map with matching shapes.
Wednesday/Thursday we did a review of all we learned in January.
We also practiced writing our name and read Chicka Chicka 1 2 3.
In our centers we practiced our counting on a quick kit, played with play doh using play doh scissors and Star stamps, traced the letters I S W X, using a stamp pad put finger prints on a star, and found the letters I S W X in a black and white sensory bin.
I hope you all have a great weekend!
Mrs. Kristina