L is for Love, Lion, Ladybug and Llama!
This week we focused on the letter L and the number 15. The children are really starting to understand their teen numbers.
On Monday, the class practiced writing the word LOVE. The mail/card making station opened. It was a big success all week. The children decorated hearts and wrote the letter L. They also worked on a graphing sheet. Graphing will be a theme we will continue to explore this entire month.
On Tuesday, the class learned all about LIONS. We made lion faces out of a paper plate, read a book on lions, heard the story The Lion and the Mouse and played with lions in the block center.
On Wednesday, the class stayed busy in the mail center, made ladybugs out of hearts (which are currently being used as decorations for the Valentine’s Day Party next week), and enjoyed playing with purple playdoh.
On Thursday, the class played a letter game with Mrs. Tiffany, made new attendance cards with only their last name, and wrote a note to children attending ABC next fall.
I hope the children have shared their mail with you.
Looking ahead: Valentines Day Party Wednesday. Cards will get sorted and sent home Thursday. The children will deliver their cards to their class mates so please send in 10 cards (or treats) with only the FROM _________ filled out.
GO EAGLES!!!!! Enjoy the Super bowl.
Mrs. Elaine