We covered the letter Ll this week and kinda had a shorter/strange week!
Monday: E-Learning Day…Google Classroom activities
Tuesday: Last Names: Start up-Valentine Color Page; Centers/Activities- Draw the number of hearts, write out letters to new students for next year, rainbow write last names, and created our Lizzy the Lizard Zoophonics craft; Books-Chick’n’Pug The Love Pug and A Crankenstein Valentine.
Wednesday: Valentine Party Fun: Start up-Parent valentine craft started; Books- Love Splat and Slugs in Love
Thursday: Love Bugs: Start up- First/Last names in QKs; Centers/Activities- Heart name puzzle (write/color/cut/glue), love bug number sequencing, love bug color page and lastly we passed out our valentine’s to our friends; Books- The Day Before Valentine’s Day and A Giant Crush.
PLEASE continue to work on letter and number recognition!!! FLASHCARDS!!! Also we are struggling with numbers 11-20 on recognition big time…we have had some rough centers trying to do activities with numbers 11-20. We can’t work one on one with students being that we have a full 14 in class, so we need the parent assistance to help at home to enforce those numbers and recognition!!!
Next week we will work on letter V and have some different activities planned! Have a good weekend, message me with any questions or concerns.