Hello! Can you believe we have reached the end of February?!? This year is going by so fast! We have hit the “sweet spot” of the school year where kids learn so much! I am so excited to see how much they grow in the next couple months!
This week we started with counting to #6 and practicing our name.
In our centers we did our monthly nursery rhyme ( Hickory Dickory Dock), matched ABC magnets, traced shapes, counted on a #6 quick kit, and counted magnets on the white board.
On Wed/Thursday we reviewed the letter H and wore Hats to school!
We water colored a Hat (the kids loved water color paints!) and read the story The Day it Rained Hearts.
In our centers we colored an H headband, put hearts on the letter H, cut out a heart, used a Lite Brite (another favorite!) and counted and matched the number using clothespins.
We played a new game where we passed an object in the circle while each child said the number coming next. So simple but the kids really enjoyed it and we practiced our counting skills!
Next week we start by celebrating Dr. Seuss!
Have a great weekend!
Mrs. Kristina