“G” is for Grass, Green, Grumpy and Grow.
March comes in like a lion and goes out like a lamb. Wow March really started off with Lion weather but Spring is on the way! Make sure your child is dressed to play outside – Hopefully we will start getting outside again in the next week or two!
On Monday, we read The Cat and the Hat. We talked about Dr. Seuss and named books he wrote. The class decorated hats and did Seuss math.
On Tuesday, we celebrated Dr. Seuss’ birthday with mini cup cakes and by reading some great Dr. Seuss books. The class also practiced writing their letter G’s.
On Wednesday, we continued with the Dr. Seuss theme by reading The Lorax and doing more Dr. Seuss math as well as playing a Dr. Seuss memory game. The class planted Grass seeds and I shared one of my new favorite books The Grumpy Monkey.
On Thursday, we ended the week with Green Eggs and Ham! First the children graphed if they would like green eggs or not. Then we read the story before tiring green eggs and ham. Finally the class redid the graph based on if they actually like the green eggs.
Have a great weekend.
-Mrs. Elaine