“J”is for Jesus.  This week all the stories we read focused on the birth of Jesus.  We talked about how much fun it is to bake cookies, decorate trees and give gifts but this is all to celebrate Jesus’ birthday.

The children attended several play practices and practiced the songs they will be singing in the  play.  We also put the finishing touches on the gifts they will be bringing home to their families.

We played number and letter Bingo everyday.  I am very proud of the class.  Not only do they look at their cards but they also look at the friend’s cards and help them if they miss a number or letter being called.  It is nice to see the friendships they are forming and the team work that is developing in the classroom.

The children brought home a few writing samples this week.  They worked very hard writing Merry Christmas.  Other than writing the words on a board for them to look at, I gave very little assistance.  I try very hard to stand back and let the children do the projects to their ability and taste.  After Christmas break the class will be doing more word writing and I will slowly add in some site words.  At this point every kid in the class can recognize not only their first name but first names of their classmates!

Looking ahead:

Monday is red and green day.  Tuesday is the play.  Wednesday is gingerbread day.  Thursday is the class party.

We will be having conferences at the end of January.  I can either do an in person conference or a FaceTime conference.  More information will come home after Christmas break.

-Mrs. Elaine