The children had a fun and busy week before Christmas break.

Monday:  We started the week by reading the story the Gingerbread Baby.  The story is a fun twist on the original Gingerbread boy story.  The children made jingle bell shakers and put the finishing touches on their family gifts.

Tuesday:  The Christmas play was a huge hit!  I hope everyone enjoyed it as much as I did.

Wednesday:  Gingerbread day – the children decorated paper gingerbread cookies,  did a math size activity and heard another story about the Gingerbread baby.

Thursday:  Party Day – After hearing the original story How the Grinch Stole Christmas the class took turns making trail mix (some of the kids brought their trail mix home while a few went to the trail mix station for seconds).  They also enjoyed a Christmas cookie and mini cupcake.  After snack they had five stations they could go to – Grinch puppet making, stickers and card decorating, beading, legos (a class favorite) and winter animals in the block section.  It was fun to see them relax and socialize together.  A special thanks to all the parents for the goodies for the parties and help and support this year.


Merry Christmas!
