
The class started the week with a fun Valentine’s Day Party.  The kids passed out their cards and enjoyed a fun filled morning


We focused on the letter “V” by writing V’s, Listing V words, and setting up a Vet clinic.  The children also made dogs out of various size hearts.


The children spent a good part of class making cards for each other – it was the last day of the post office.  They also made cards to bring home for their families.  I was very impressed with the festive Valentine outfits!


We switched gears and focused on drawing things made out of letters.  The children did most of the drawings on dry erase boards.  We will continue to do this exercise until the end of the year.  It is a great way to teach letter strokes (and a little more fun than writing letters).

Now that we have covered a majority of the alphabet in class the children will be exposed to more word writing and we will increase the intensity of the games we play with both letters and numbers.


Looking ahead:  next week is “H” week.  Please have your child bring in a stuffed bear on the 20th – H is for hibernation.


Have a great weekend.

Mrs. Elaine