H is for Heart  H is for Hibernate H is for House

On Monday, we started the week with H is for Heart.  The kids did some sink or float experiments using candy hearts, soda, water and vinegar.  They then used candy hearts to sink boats and floats.  We also used candy hearts to learn graphing.  I am proud to announce that no one tried to eat a candy heart – I did tell the kids that my cat was helping me sort them and that they were not clean  (lol).

On Tuesday, The kids all brought a bear to school (no one forgot!).  We learned that in the spring bears and other animals come out of hibernation.  They are hungry so we set up a picnic to feed them.  We also read a bunch of bear stories including Going on a Bear Hunt.

On Wednesday, We made houses out of shapes and practiced writing our addresses.  We aloso had chapel and heard the story of Jesus feeding 5000 with 2 fish and 5 loaves of bread.

On Thursday, we circled back to hearts and used tissue paper to water color paint hearts.

I am working with all the kids on how to properly write all their letters.  I sent home a letter writing sheet with all the kids.

Looking ahead – D is for Dentist and Dinosaurs!

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Elaine