Hh is for, hearts, hair and hats, and home sweet home!

Tuesday was all about hearts! We put hearts together with upper and lower case letters AND a picture that starts with that letter. They graphed candy hearts and we cut and pasted rhyming words . They did a great job during centers today!! Later in the afternoon we even use hammers to carve out the letter Hh. The kids also got to “sew” a heart together using string. This is great for those fine motor muscles .

Wednesday was crazy hair or favorite hat day! We gave crazy hair cuts to pictures did a letter Hh cut and paste practiced writing  the letter Hh. I loved seeing the creativity is all of the hair styles too!! Of course if anyone didn’t want to wear crazy hair or hats we made headbands so everyone could feel included and take them off as they please.

Thursday we learned all sorts of important information about their homes! Home address and “home” phone numbers to be exact. Each kid got to write out their address and phone numbers, then recreate their phone numbers using mini eraser numbers and created their own house out of shapes! I love art projects like this where they get full control over what it looks like. Their personalities really shine!

Next week is fun with the letter Dd!