Welcome Back!!
Thank you to everyone who participated in our E learning day! But we are so excited to have been back in person!

This week we learned about the letter Ss.

Wednesday was all about space! We made space patterns, filled in missing letters to complete the alphabet, practiced writing our letter Ss and did star counting. We even read a book about Buzz Aldrin and how there is a flag on the moon! We didn’t have specials this week since we wanted to get them back in the routine 🙂

Thursday was ABC superhero’s! We got to roll And build a super city with dice and blocks, we played find the super hero under letters of the alphabet to help with letter recognition, and did  super hero color by number . The kids are doing so great completing these independently !! To round off our super hero day they got to tell me what their super power would be, and then drew of a picture to go with it .

January letters – SWIX

January numbers – 13.14,15