This week we highlighted both books by Dr. Seuss and the letter G.

On Monday, the children heard the classic Dr. Seuss story The Cat and the Hat.  They decorated red and white hats and did a hat math sheet.

On Tuesday, we focused on the letter G by doing a Gum ball work sheet, singing a song about sticky gum and sorting out “G” words.  We also played memory using Dr. Seuss memory cards, worked on a Dr. Seuss puzzle and played a number game identifying which number was larger.

On Wednesday, we read the Dr. Seuss book The Lorax.  The children discussed ways in circle that we could keep our earth clean.  We planted “Grass Heads”  which will come home before spring break.

On Thursday we ended the week with Green Eggs and Ham.  First the class graphed if they liked green eggs and ham, then we read the story and finally the class ate green eggs and ham.  The children then had an opportunity to change their vote.  At the start of the day it was a tie and at the end of the day more children liked green eggs and ham.


In order to keep everyone as healthy as possible, all the children will be asked to wash their hands after gym class and to use hand sanitizer after centers.

Looking ahead – next week is letter U week.  We will be taking our umbrella into the rain forest and later in the week talking about Unicorns.


Have a great weekend.

-Mrs. Elaine