Wow! I can’t believe it is the end of the school year.  We have been learning about life cycles of butterflies, plants and frogs.  The class has been watching our class caterpillars grow, make chrysalis, and emerge,  They released the butterflies on Wednesday.

On Monday, the children heard the fun story The Frog in the Bog.  We started talking about book titles, authors, and illustrators.  I also used this as an opportunity to introduce the concept of rhyming words. The kids had a fun time being illustrators and decorating a frog on a log picture.

On Tuesday, the class brought in books from home to share with the class.  We explored what makes a book.

On Wednesday, The class released the class butterflies and enjoyed some outside time.

On Thursday, we ended the week with a mother’s day card and some extra play time.

All week the children have been practicing for graduation!

Looking ahead:

Wednesday and Thursday:  Please dress your child for field day BOTH DAYS!!!  We will pick the better weather day for field day.


Tuesday May 21st


Kids should arrive by 2:15

DO NOT WEAR HAIR BOWS OF HIGH PONY TAILS (the hat will not stay on)

Wear shorts or pants (if girls wear dresses put shorts or leggings on them under the dress)

Have a great weekend!

Mrs. Elaine

PS Thanks for all the well wishes – my dad is doing great!