This week we focused on the letter N and the number 9.

The class as a whole is getting much better at writing their letters and recognizing and understanding their numbers.  Please continue to work on letter at home.

On Monday, we played games with our five senses.  The children had mystery items to smell, feel, and hear.  We used scented markers and read Brown Bear, Brown Bear What do you hear? 

On Tuesday, we voted.  Skittles vs. M&M’s – Skittles won.  The class graphed and counted the results.  One child pointed out it was unfair that her pick lost – Welcome to politics!  We also took advantage of the warmer weather and went outside.

On Wednesday, we made noodle necklaces, created brown bear faces and talked about N words.  The children enjoyed the story The Bear Snores On, which begins the unit on food and Thanksgiving.

On Thursday, we continued working on the letter N by gluing noodles on a letter N.  The children also worked hard on writing 9’s as well as counting out nine objects using tweezers to pick them up.

All  week we have ended the class with a fun nursery rhyme.

Looking ahead:  Healthy eating

-Mrs. Elaine