Pp is for …


Pumpkin! We had so much pumpkin fun on Tuesday. The class got to create their own name pumpkin. They got to write their name, cut apart the pumpkin, and then glue it back together to make the perfect pumpkin! Also working those fine motor muscles we used pins to create our poke a pumpkin. Hold these up to the window and watch the sun shine through! We worked on our number recognition but completing number sense pumpkin pies. They had to recognize our numbers using tallies, tens frames, and dice to figure out which piece of the pie went with each number .
Wednesday was our Harvest Party! We had some fun centers in the morning to help curb the excitement of the afternoon party! I think their favorite was playing “ hot pumpkin”. I can’t even tell you how many times we played that. Thank you again to all of our volunteers and families that donated. I hope the kids and parents had a great time!
Pajamas and popcorn day was also a hit! We used popcorn folder centers to count and match numbers and pulled popcorn letters to then find and trace on our quick kits. The class has gotten so good with their tracing, I can really tell how they writing has improved!! Of course we completed our letter Pp cut and paste page . You will get these all at the end of the year. We do a cut and paste for every letter and it’s so cool to see the progress. In the afternoon we ate pirates booty and watched Spookly the Square Pumpkin! It’s nice to have a rest day like this every now and again.

I hope everyone has an amazing weekend !! See you Tuesday!